Emerging Form
Emerging Form
Episode 1: Introducing Emerging Form

Episode 1: Introducing Emerging Form

Emerging Form is a podcast about the creative process. It’s a discussion between a poet and a science journalist, recorded over wine. Episode 1 introduces hosts Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer and Christie Aschwanden as well as the podcast’s patron saint, poet Jack Mueller. And the hosts wrestle with what it really means to be in service to the writing–to let your creative project know more than you do.

Join our discussion of this episode at our Facebook group.

Christie and Rosemerry, obeying the emerging friendship at TEDx.

Episode Notes

Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
Christie Aschwanden
Jack Mueller,
Chill Switch Wines, Dave Aschwanden’s boutique winery

Consider the Octopus, by Colette Volkema DeNooyer

A Hundred Falling Veils, Rosemerry’s daily poems
Stop Trying to Be Creative, Christie’s story about Kenneth Stanley’s work on creativity and artificial intelligence.
Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned: The Myth of the Objective, by Kenneth Stanley
Documentary about Jack Mueller

*errata: in this episode, Rosemerry erroneously refers to Jack as a South Beach poet, but the correct name is “North Beach,” which is an old neighborhood in San Francisco and home to the iconic “City Lights Bookstore.”

Emerging Form
Emerging Form
Emerging Form is a podcast about the creative process in which a journalist (Christie Aschwanden) and a poet (Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer) discuss creative conundrums over wine. Each episode concludes with a game of two questions in which a guest joins in to help answer questions about the week's topic. Season one guests include poets, novelists, journalists, a song writer, a circus performer, a sketch artist and a winemaker.