Engaging in a creative project can be hard enough when the subject matter is fun. But what about when it’s emotionally taxing, too? In this episode, we talk about many techniques for working with topics that make us uneasy—from changing perspective to creating rituals. Then we talk with Thea Deley, speaker, writer and improviser, and ask her two questions: 1) When do you know you are ready to write about something difficult—what is the role of perspective, and 2) How do you navigate stories that might hurt someone? We are interested in your answers to these questions, too!
Episode Notes
Christie’s farewell to David Corcoran on Last Word on Nothing
Opening Up: The Healing Power of Expressing Emotions, by James W. Pennebaker, PhD
Pablo Neruda: Tonight I Can Write
American Psychological Association: Writing to Heal
Harvard Health Publishing: Writing About Emotions May Ease Stress and Trauma
Thea Deley (photo of Thea by Mike Maxwell)
Christie’s ode to Holiday Mathis, “I Know Astrology Is Bullshit, But I Can’t Stop Reading My Horoscope.”
Simple Tools
—Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
I am so grateful for the rubber spatula,
the way it sits quietly in the drawer
yet is always ready for action—
is game to scrape the walls of the blender
or to fold chocolate chips into cookie dough.
It evens and swirls the frosting on cake
and welcomes the tongue
of a child. In a sharp world,
it knows the value of being blunt;
it knows that to smooth is a gift to the world.
Some people are knives, and
I thank them. Me, I want to belong
to the order of spatulas—those
who blend, who mix, who co-mingle
dissimilars to create a cohesive whole.
I want to spread sweetness, to be a workhorse
for beauty, to stir things up,
to clean things out. I want to be useful,
an instrument of unity, a means, a lever for life.
first published in Braided Way, 2019
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