How has creativity served us in times of trauma? Last year, Christie and Rosemerry released an episode mid-September about the very difficult life events that had occurred for them in August–Christie’s father’s nearly fatal stroke and the death of Rosemerry’s son. As we come back from a much-needed summer break, we revisit the past year to look at how things have changed–and stayed the same. In this episode, our hosts talk about how years of creative practice can be a gift we give our future selves to help us meet a difficult chapter, how sometimes when we think we already know the end of our real story we can stymie our creative process, how sharing our creative practice can be very healing and how you might know you are ready to return to a creative practice after an emotionally traumatic event.
Christie writing about visiting her dad on his birthday
Susan Tweit (Ep. 53) on reflection
Rosemerry’s poem, For When People Ask
Rosemerry’s poem, Contentment
Catherine Price (Ep. 45) on the importance of down time
Christie on finding delight in a terrible year
Finding Creativity in Times of Trauma (Ep. 50)
Rosemerry’s Chair Poem, Circumventing the Busy Self
Christie on finding Rosemerry’s unwritten poems
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