Hi All, I appreciated your interview with Phylis Cole-Dai..... YES if you are alive you have creativity some where in your system!! I suspect Phylis is very good at hearing and noticing creativity in all regardless of their culture,class, status even their traumas! I will return to listen to this rich and insightful interview/ discussion many times!! Highly recommended! Joanne S

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thanks, Joanne! Yes, I think you are so right about Phyllis's ability to find creativity in EVERYONE!

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Spoken by another who is committed to the same practice! Love ya, Rosemerry!

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Thanks for your affirmation .... I have told her this as well!I hope she gets it as I have so many sources coming and going! HA keeps me mind nimble!! Further to Phylis's ability what an enormous gift.... the true, authentic gift of a gifted teacher but rare!! I think one needs to put ego aside to even begin to do this with definite mindfulness!!

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Thank you for your kind words, Joanne. But, believe me, I'm always just a beginner! The world has so much for us to attend to—I can't begin to take it all in! Let's just start where we are, shall we? Together?

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Hi Phyllis, Great reminder Let us just start where we are.... I am guilty of sometimes jumping ahead of myself!! Life usually returns me back to where I need to be !!

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We ALL jump ahead. And our breath ("Life") does bring us back—especially when reading a poem aloud! 😉

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YES and good reminder! j

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This AM I just received some devestating news But I tell myself I am safe. I am loved. I am content. May I live with ease. I am thankful I did not go into panic( at one time I would have)..... and am still grounded and thinking of potential solutions! Any ideas or recommendations to carry on in a constructive fashion? joanne

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🙏 I'm sad to hear that you've had devastating news. You know what to do to stay grounded and centered. Just keep doing what you know. Big hugs!

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I know all this isn't it strange in midst of turmoil we can momentarily forget.... I am glad I have supportive people around!! Hugs to you too! J

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Thanks Phylis.... I am still learning to be gentler with myself through all life's losses and transitions! Nature helps me keep perspective in certain emotional contexts. I walk five miles a day in a wonderful natural environment. Meditation and Yoga help me keep perspective within myself and towards others! I sub with a local school board and the kids are so tuned with ones space and attitudes! They do not miss a beat. I recently listened to On Being with Krista Tippet interviewing childrens author Kate Di Camillo ..... her insights on children's knowing is so heart warming and certainly reinforces my learnings!! Thank You for your gentle words! Joanne

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