One of the most thrilling stories of creative inspiration is that of Rainer Maria Rilke writing Sonnets to Orpheus and the Duino Elegies following a time of great international and personal upheaval.
Rosemerry and all, I did not ask to be subscribed to Mark's blog, and slightly resent having to respond to be taken off it. Not all poetry appeals to all readers, and Christian material is far from my choice in reading material, even if it includes fine poetry. Substack is insidiously aggressive in making gratuitous additions to its subscriber base, and It is not nice and rather manipulative. Please be sure you don't let it happen again! -<L>
Louis, please email us with details of what happened. We did not subscribe anyone to any other substack and if that happened we'd like to figure out how and how we can prevent it.
Rosemerry and all, I did not ask to be subscribed to Mark's blog, and slightly resent having to respond to be taken off it. Not all poetry appeals to all readers, and Christian material is far from my choice in reading material, even if it includes fine poetry. Substack is insidiously aggressive in making gratuitous additions to its subscriber base, and It is not nice and rather manipulative. Please be sure you don't let it happen again! -<L>
Louis, please email us with details of what happened. We did not subscribe anyone to any other substack and if that happened we'd like to figure out how and how we can prevent it.